Monday, October 22, 2012

Connection -The Disadvantages to Being Mechanize Humans

In Hard Times, an important and repeated theme is the idea that humans are becoming mechanized because of Mr. Gradgrind's fact-based education and life style. Everyone is the same and is not allowed to show an ounce of creativity or individuality. An alternative source in which the disadvantage to becoming mechanized human beings is seen in Wall-E. Wall-E takes place in the future on a space craft after Earth has been abandoned for hundreds of years. All people on the space craft wear the same red suits, are all morbidly obese, and allow do not do anything for themselves. The humans in this futuristic movie have no individuality whatsoever, and almost start turning into robots who do everything with the push of a button. Therefore, there is more than one disadvantage to living life mechanically, whether it is being restricted from illustrating your creativity, or allowing yourself to become so large that you fall out of your chair even with the slightest tilt. 

1 comment:


    Here's a video I fancy(Yes, fancy, not fact)that has the same message but is perhaps more obvious. It's about a girl who isn't allowed to use her imagination and is forced into the school system. Eventually, she breaks like Louisa but has no one to help her get back on her feet.
    -Jenny C, period 8
